Thursday, 4 September 2014

Karl Falkenberg: "Circular Economy is the answer!"

Karl Falkenberg
Director General, DG Environment
European Commission

How will the circular economy help Europe to remain competitive in a globalised world?
A circular economy is a more resource efficient economy. Global trends show rapidly growing demand for natural resources and raw materials as more people are lifted out of poverty. Europe's innovation in the direction of circular economy will be much in demand and support Europe's economic competitiveness.

How can European economic growth and a sustainable development go hand in hand?
Growth can only be produced sustainably. Unsustainable developments, in finance or in real economy, lead to painful crashes.

Do you think Europe should consider becoming an economy of services?
No. Europe needs to maintain its industrial, agricultural activities alongside a growing services sector.

How can the Plastics Industry contribute to a sustainable European growth?
By becoming more aware of recycling, durability and resource efficiency objectives in the design of plastic products and in the use of chemical substances and mixtures.

In your opinion, what should the industries do to thrive in Europe?
Develop sustainable products, meeting high health standards alongside resource efficiency, durability and recyclability.

Do you think Europe can still attract investors?
Europe remains one of the major destinations for FDI on this planet. Its skilled labour force, engineering capability, rule of law providing security for any investor, remain strong points of Europe, together with its large internal market, its single currency and competitive infrastructure.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

PolyTalk 2014: Debate - Act - Change

“Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon.”
Winston Churchill

Is Europe fit for a post-crisis growth? How can the European plastics industry’s perform in a global climate? What assets does Europe hold in the TTIP negotiations? Are we on the verge of a new industrial revolution? What would a new industrial era look like? Has Europe learnt from past mistakes? Is Europe implementing the appropriate policies for competitive European industries? What is the Current College of Commission’s legacy?

Under the header: “An Industrial Renaissance in Europe … Let’s Make it Happen!”, PolyTalk 2014 will provide a platform for different viewpoints to address these questions and facilitate a constructive dialogue between policy makers, industry representatives, economists, NGOs and other relevant key players.

To pave the way for this constructive dialogue, we launch this blog for our speakers to share some of their thoughts ahead of PolyTalk.

We invite YOU to join the discussion and share with our speakers your views on how to make the “European Industrial Renaissance” happen!

Hanane Taidi, Director Communications, PlasticsEurope